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Week #12: (4/9-13) Mathematical Operations on the BS2

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 9:50 am
by rjagodowski
This week we will be discussing the mathematical operations available on the BS2.

We will be using the Basic Stamp Syntax and Reference Manual and review some of the various mathematical operations which exist. The manual can be downloaded from Parallax's website or directly from the CSET Forums on the Welcome to Course topic.

We'll begin with the Unary operators on page 105 and then the Binary operators on page 109.

We will look at some common functions and see how the BS2 can implement these functions using integer math only. Functions to look at include: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Division, Modulus, Trig Functions and Digital Logic Functions (AND, OR, etc.).

Additional Support LInks:

Binary, Inverse and Complement Codes