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Welcome to Course & Syllabus + BoeBot Information

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:33 pm
by rjagodowski
Welcome to the forum space for EET-101 PCs, Programming & Robots for the Fall 2019 semester here at STCC. Please find attached a copy of the syllabus for this course for this semester.

BoeBot & Text Book:

Please note that there is no text necessary for the course, but you will need to acquire a Parallax BoeBot #28832. This kit includes the parts and the manual/text to construct a simple, programmable robot. The USB Boebot #28832 can be obtained through the STCC Bookstore, directly from Parallax, and oftentimes from other Electronics/Robotics/Hobby supply outlets. You might even find them available on EBay and Craigslist. As always, buyer be ware. If you buy a used unit you should be aware that the "brain" costs about $50 to replace, so it's possibly a "good deal" can be soured quickly should you get a defective unit. If you have any questions about which unit to purchase, please see your instructor.