Week #7: Industrial Networking, IoT, IIoT and Industry 4.0

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Week #7: Industrial Networking, IoT, IIoT and Industry 4.0

Post by rjagodowski »

This week we will continue the discussion of the networking topics presented in Week #6.

In addition, we'll discuss the following topics of IoT (Internet of Things) with specific interest in IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things).

A YouTube Presentation on Beginners: What is Industrial IoT (IIoT)? (9:07)

A YouTube Presentation on The 7 Principles of IIoT. (15:19) presented by Hewlett Packard Enterprise's Dr. Tom Bradicich, GM & VP, Servers & IoT Systems. Here's a link to the content in the presentation in text form from Industrial Internet Consortium

A YouTube Presentation of Industry 4.0- Not just the Future of Industry (8:50). This is presentation is a bit unique compared to the other two presentations, but delivers the point using less technical principles (in my opinion).

Wikipedia on Industry 4.0 and McKinsey & Company on Industry 4.0. Here is a pdf of the Mckinsey & Co. link: You might see mention of the acronym MRO, Maintenance, Repair & Operations. Here's a link explaining MRO in more detail: What Is MRO?

Everything you need to know about Industry 4.0.

Here's an article about early adopters of IIoT technology.
IIoT-Early Adopters_2019-0408.pdf
(708.28 KiB) Downloaded 193 times
Overviews of IoT from Wikipedia and IIoT from GE. The GE link is also presented here as a pdf:
GE IIoT.pdf
(42.86 KiB) Downloaded 184 times
The GE link makes the following statement comparing IoT with IIot:
One perspective is to think of the Industrial Internet as connecting machines and devices in industries such as oil and gas, power generation, and healthcare, where there is more at stake or where system failures and unplanned downtime can result in life-threatening or high-risk situations. On the other hand, the Internet of Things tend to include consumer-level devices such as heart monitoring fitness bands or smart home appliances. They are functional and can provide conveniences but do not typically create emergency situations if downtime were to occur.
Here's a link to the Industrial Internet Consortium.

IoT from Cisco

Cisco on Manufacturing

Cisco on Industrial Networking

Rockwell Automation IIoT Curricula.

The Business Perspective: IIoT from Forbes Magazine and GE vs. Siemens on IoT.

How 5G Will Transform Manufacturing.

A related topic: The CAN Bus.

Mentioned in the above link about the CAN bus is the term CRC. CRC is Cyclic Redundancy Check. CRC is one method commonly used to verify that the data received is the same as the data which was sent. That is, there were no errors during the processing or transmission of the data. CRC is error detection only in that it can only detect if an error occurred, but cannot determine which bit or bits are in error. That process is known as error correction. Another commonly used form of error detection is parity, though it is not reliable if there are multiple bit errors. (Checksum is another simple error detection scheme commonly in use.) CRC works to detect not only single bit errors but also to detect catastrophic data loss errors. High end computers (typically used in server applications) may have their main memory modules use ECC (Error Correction Code) Memory. This type of technology checks every memory word stored & retrieved in the system RAM for errors, and if an error is detected, it can be corrected "on the fly".

Here is a link showing a simple example of How CRC Works.

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