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Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:32 am
by rjagodowski
Post your progress, contributions, work and anything else you did for the Team project here.

There will be a separate Topic for each week during the semester.

These are individual posts, so each member must post their own progress report. If you worked with others, or the entire group, then you can mention that in your post as well. But each member must post to receive credit for this week's post.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 10:04 am
by krhoule2001
Tuesday- The photoelectric sensor was still not working for me. I switched up my code and swapped to a different sensor to see if that was the issue, but I couldn't get it to work. If I cannot get it to work by Thursday a different option might have to be explored.

Thursday- Ended up getting the sensor to work correctly with the robot. It was a simple fix of Turing the adjustment screw the proper way. Next up I am going to try to program two robots to work together and I am going to work with color sensor in order to help categorize possible plants.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 8:04 pm
by jrgonzalez2001
Jorge Gonzalez

(Tuesday)- I spent most of the time getting more familiar with the Dobot linear rail. Cole and I used a piece of PVC pipe, exactly like the one we will use for the final stage of the project, and wrote a program that was able to pick up a hydroponic cup and place it into two different holes in the PVC. After tinkering with the program, and filing the holes on the PVC to a rounder shape, we figured out that the distance between all the holes equates to about 80 points in the Dobot linear rail system.

(Thursday)- I got my laptop to communicate with a PLC and an HMI. Good to know that connected components workbench works with windows 11! Not that I necessarily thought it wouldn't, most windows 10 software is compatible. I figured out how to change the IP address on my laptop, get the PLC and HMI IP addresses and get them to talk to each other. Just like Chuck said, communication is usually the hardest part.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 2:20 pm
by cclozinski2001
Cole Lozinski

This week I helped Jorge with the dobot and the translation table. We figured out that we will use a subroutine for every pick and place position but for the moving side of things we will just have to change the position of the dobot on the table in the program. We also got the plc and Jorge's laptop to communicate and run.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 6:46 pm
by afnaser0001
this week me and Ahsan working on the door and trying to figure out how we use the door electronic sensor., also helped the classmate with some cutting pipes and hopefully next week the greenhouse shape should be good and completed.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:44 am
by jejagodowski2001
This week I figured out how to use the Dorner conveyors and photoelectric sensors that are connected to the Fanuc robot. I was set back due to the batteries having to get changed and having to go through the mastering process, but I believe it is all set.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:56 am
by npdesantis
Green House Contruction, Set up hydroponics, modified dobot plate, roof rafter cutting, door cyinder reaserch, light reaseach and procurement.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:16 am
by wmpenalo0001
William Penalo
Missed Tuesday, when I got back Thursday I continued helping with the greenhouse construction by cutting the pipe down to a size that could make that whole watering system to fit inside the greenhouse. Also brainstormed ways to make pots to fit better inside the holes from awkward angles. Moving at a steady pace.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:00 pm
by issalman
Doing some work finishing the green house frame and walls, had some idea how the vent gate would be, either open Close up and down or slide linearly will decide and study that next week, and have some idea how will turn the heater on to control the water temp within the spec, bring it up next week too.

Re: Week #4 (2/14-2/18) Weekly Progress Report

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 9:38 am
by Rplizak
Nick and I decided which kind of lighting we want and how we are going to mount them. Nick and I assembled the irrigation system for testing purposes.