Security Roundtable – Getting Started in Amateur Radio

Wednesday, December 7th in building 17 room 606 from 12:15PM to 1:15PM.

Amateur radio is the ideal communications platform for the zombie apocalypse.

When the cellular phone networks and other common communications platforms fail amateur radio can provide emergency and public service communications. Amateur radio is often used in emergencies such as storms, earthquakes, and other events that disrupt the telephone and other network systems.

You must have a license but there are no monthly subscription fees. In fact, you cannot use it for commercial activity. Amateur radio is capable of voice communications, data transmission, and slow scan TV (SSTV). Connections can be made locally or over very long distances.

There is no longer a Morse code requirement to obtain a license. This meeting will be used to cover the basics of the technology, the license requirements, license levels, testing, and how to prepare for the tests.

This meeting will be presented by Chuck Ruotolo, Jeff Cooper, and Nick Bishop who are all licensed operators.

A Zoom link will be published the morning of the meeting.